Licia Ronzulli, an MEP from Italy, took her seven-week old daughter Victoria to work at the European parliament this week at Strasbourg. And this wasn’t even Take-Your-Child-to-Work day. She kept her baby carefully cradled against her in a sling and occasionally leant to kiss her on the forehead. Photographs of Ronzulli cradling her daughter in a sling as she voted on proposals to improve women's employment rights were broadcast around the world and published in newspapers from the US to Vietnam.

While this might be a rare spectacle for many, the EU assembly is no stranger to young guests. In the previous legislature Danish MEP Hanne Dahl took her baby into the chamber once – and into the weekly meetings of the conference of presidents, the male-dominated club of the parliament's political chiefs, several times. The German MEP Hiltrud Breyer breast-fed regularly at meetings of the environment committee!

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